An image of TCC's campus with Mount Rainier in the background


欢迎所有学生来 塔科马社区 无论他们的居留身份如何. 招生部 is available to provide guidance regarding your residency status and tuition rate 在澳门威尼斯人在线赌场. 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的办公室是来帮你驾驭 规则和需求设置 由华盛顿州颁布. 

塔科马社区 College follows the residency policies that are set 由华盛顿州颁布 and are applied throughout Washington’s colleges and universities. 原来的居住 determinations are made based on the students’ responses to the citizenship and residency 关于入学申请的问题.  


There are many ways a student can qualify for resident tuition. Students' eligibility for resident tuition depends on 1)公民身份或移民身份 AND 2) establishing a bona fide domicile in the state of Washington for 12 months prior 到本季度开始.  


  • U.S. 公民和美国.S. nationals (American Samoa, Swains Island, Northern Mariana Islands) 
  • 永久居民(绿卡) 
  • Students with an unexpired 就业 Authorization Document 
  • Refugees, asylees, TPS (Temporary Protected Status), or Withholding of Removal 
  • 具有当前或过期DACA身份的学生
  • 持有T或U签证的学生
  • Students with PRUCOL (Permanently Residing Under the Color of Law) status
  • 其他合资格签证 


  • 住所(由WSAC定义) – “A legal term used to describe a person’s true, fixed, and permanent home. A person 在美国只能有一个合法住所.S. 一次. 在…建立住所 Washington, a student must prove physical presence in the state plus intent to permanently 留在州内.” 
  • Individuals must provide documentation showing they meet the guidelines to establish 西澳州住所: 
    • Physically reside in the state for at least 12 months prior to the first day of the 四分之一的学生正在寻求住院医师审查. 
    • Relinquish all valid legal ties with their former state or country of residence. 
    • 建立与华盛顿州的法律联系. 
      • 建立法律关系的常见例子: 
        • 驾驶执照或州身份证
        • 车辆注册登记
        • 选民登记
        • 在西澳开设银行账户
        • 租赁或房屋协议 
        • 西澳就业 


Applications to change residency status will be accepted up to the 30th calendar day following the first day of the instruction of the quarter for which application is made. Applications made after that date in any quarter shall be considered for the 个季度. If non-resident tuition was paid and the request was approved, 学费的差额将被退还.





  • Individuals are considered “financially 独立的” if they meet the following criteria for the current and previous calendar years (January – December):
    • Were not claimed as a dependent on someone’s tax return
    • Did not receive significant financial assistance from parents, relatives, legal guardians, 或其他人士(配偶除外)
  • 对于经济困难的学生 独立的, we must determine if the students have established domicile in the state of WA. Students may be asked to provide documentation to prove financial independence. 
  • 对于经济困难的学生 dependent upon their parent(s) or legal guardian(s), we must determine if the parent(s) or guardian(s) have established domicile in the state of WA. 


U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and students who meet the exception to the definition of nonresident may qualify for the non-resident on waiver tuition rate.

The waiver is applied during the admission application process or upon residency review. 

Non-Resident (Undetermined), Running Start and Transitional Studies

If student residency status is Non-Resident (Undetermined), including Running Start 和过渡研究的学生,提交 待定居住表格



Active duty military, Washington National Guard members, and their spouses and dependents 有资格成为居民以支付学费. 学生(或担保人)的军令 and military ID or DD-214 must be submitted to Admissions in Bldg. 8或电邮至


Residency Affidavit allows eligible students to pay in-state tuition at Washington 州立学院和大学. 欲知详情,请浏览 这个网站. To qualify for resident tuition status, students must complete the Washington State Higher Education Residency Affidavit  如果他们符合以下条件:

  • Earn a high school diploma, GED, or diploma equivalent before your first term at the 大学决定住院医师,以及
  • Maintain a primary residence in Washington for at least 12 consecutive months immediately before your first term at the college determining residency. 华盛顿公馆 一定是为了
    大学以外的目的. If you take any courses at another Washington college during the prior 12 months, you cannot have taken more than six credits in any given term. If you exceed that limit you must prove that you have a Washington residence 非大学原因.

If the above criteria has been met, the student may complete the Washington State Higher Education Residency Affidavit 并将填妥的表格交至 或在大厦. 8.



On June 15, 2012, the Secretary of Homeland Security announced that individuals who came to the United States as children and meet several guidelines may request consideration of deferred action for a period of two years, subject to renewal. 他们也有资格 工作授权. 递延行动 is a use of prosecutorial discretion to defer removal action against an individual for a certain period of time. 递延行动 不提供合法身份.

DACA本身没有资格获得州内学费. 如果学生被批准 for DACA, they will need to submit official documentation to 或到8号楼的招生处. 

Examples of Factors that Can Determine Students Not Eligible for Resident Status

  • 外州驾照
  • 外州车辆登记
  • Receiving financial assistance from another state's government in the past year



Tuition & Payment


Call Entry Services: Admissions for additional residency information.


Or email